There is a considerable body of research showing better clinical outcomes among patients who are consulted about their treatment and who understand the function of the medications prescribed. This is a key issue in the CQC’s fundamental standards and we provide access to two key tools to help healthcare facilities improve patient involvement in their treatment.
MaPPs (A Medication and Patient Profile Summary)
MaPPs is an online information resource designed to assist patients in understanding their treatment by giving an electronic summary of each patient’s medication with a plain English explanation of what each drug is, what it is for and any side effects. This information is quick to produce, send or print for the patient.
MaPPs is simple to use. Staff just need to enter the patient’s name, then select each medicine from a drop-down menu until all the patient’s medication has been selected. It is particularly useful for patients being discharged or for TTOs, or those who struggle to understand their condition and medication regime; improving knowledge can improve medication compliance.
MaPPs’s also features:
- Larger print for people who are visually impaired
- Personalised reminder charts showing medication doses, time and instructions for use
- Medication Administration Record (MAR) charts similarly showing patient medication regimes
The reminder chart or MAR chart can be used as part of a self-administration programme within the site by helping to promote compliance with prescribed treatment.
Choice and Medication – online mental health information
Choice and Medication is a highly recommended online source of information about mental health conditions and medications, for both patients and healthcare professionals. It can be used by prescribers and nurses to help patients make choices about their psychiatric medicines. Informed decision-making aids treatment choice, which is a key part of mental health care policy.
The Choice and Medication website:
- Is designed for patients to get access to information on commonly prescribed medication used to treat mental health conditions
- Allows staff to easily compare the medicines used for each mental health condition
- Can be used by carers and as a valuable reference source for mental health professionals to aid their continuous professional development.
- Gives access to a wide range of ‘easy-to-read’, downloadable Patient Information Leaflets in a range of over 18 languages.
The site was developed by Professor Stephen Bazire, author of the Psychotropic Drug Directory and is updated and maintained by national experts in line with changing UK guidelines.
How can I access these tools?
These important tools to help service users get access to information about their treatment are both available via the Ashtons Live View homepage.