Embracing Wellness: Reflecting on Stress Awareness Month

29 April, 2024

As Stress Awareness Month draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken at Ashtons, embracing wellness and supporting one another in managing stress.

Throughout April, we embarked on a series of enriching activities aimed at nurturing a culture of embracing wellness within our company. From a step challenge to mental health support, here’s a glimpse into the impactful initiatives we’ve embraced and the strides we’ve made together.

Step by Step: Walking Towards Wellness

One of the highlights of our Stress Awareness Month was undoubtedly the ‘Step Challenge.’ Together, we took an impressive 807,768 steps, demonstrating our collective commitment to staying active and prioritising physical health. Congratulations to Ellis and Sien, our step challenge winners! Beyond the numbers, this challenge fostered a sense of camaraderie and encouraged us to incorporate movement into our daily routines, promoting both physical and mental well-being.

Sharing Insights: Staff Stress Tips

In our quest to support one another, we launched the ‘Staff Stress Tips’ initiative, providing a platform for sharing invaluable insights into stress management. From mindfulness techniques to time management strategies, our team shared practical tips for navigating stress in the workplace and beyond. This initiative not only empowered individuals with tools for self-care but also fostered open conversations and a supportive environment where everyone felt heard and valued.

Guidance and Support: Mental Health First Aid

Recognising the importance of mental health support, we organised drop-in sessions with our trained Mental Health First Aiders. These sessions offered invaluable guidance and support, ensuring that everyone has access to resources for managing stress and prioritising their mental well-being. By normalising conversations around mental health and providing a safe space for seeking help, we reaffirmed our commitment to supporting each other through life’s challenges.

A Cup of Comfort: Herbal Tea Oasis

In addition to these initiatives, we added a special touch to our staff kitchens with a selection of herbal teas, providing a comforting moment of relaxation amidst busy days. These small gestures of self-care reminded us of the importance of taking breaks, nurturing ourselves, and finding moments of tranquillity amid the hustle and bustle of work life.

One Small Change

As our final theme for Stress Awareness Month, we asked our staff to consider one small change they could make to help them manage stress. We encourage these ideas to be shared among the team, as you never know who might need to hear a positive idea.

Looking Ahead: Prioritising Well-being

As Stress Awareness Month closes, our journey towards well-being continues. Let us not forget the lessons learned and the progress made throughout April. Whether it’s confiding in a trusted colleague, staying active, or simply enjoying a moment of quiet reflection, let’s continue to prioritise our mental and physical health each day.