Hospice at home can enable people to have a good death in the place of their choosing – alert by the NIHR

27 June, 2023

New research finds that hospice at home services allowed almost 3 in 4 (73%) people to die in their preferred place (usually home or hospice)

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has published a new alert in June 2023 which discusses a review in England that found that these services support a good death (as reported by the bereaved carer) and enable most people to die in their preferred location (usually at home). The research was carried out across 70 services with interviews conducted with bereaved family members or carers, as well as service providers and commissioners.

The study aimed to find out what aspects of different hospice at home services work best, for whom and in what circumstances. Key findings included that hospice at home services allowed almost 3 in 4 (73%) people to die in their preferred place (usually home or hospice). One of the things that people most valued about hospice at home was staff who provide hands-on care, such as washing, turning and toileting.

Suggestions that were made from the research included engaging volunteers in a wider range of roles and better integration and co-operation with local health services.

To read the alert, please visit the NIHR website.