Information and resources about the COVID-19 vaccine from Public Health England

17 March, 2021

Public Health England have created a series of resources to provide advice and information to support those getting the vaccine and to anyone who might have questions about the vaccination process, as well as to communicate progress on the UK rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.

The resources include posters to communicate to healthcare, social care and carehome workers, that the vaccine is available to them, as well as members of the public who are 65+ and 70+. There are also useful smaller banner versions with the same messaging that can be added to email signatures, and versions appropriate for social media use (for use in England, NI and Wales only).

NHS COVID-19 posters from Public Health England about the vaccine

There are also a series of social media images and animations which provide information about the vaccines and how the UK rollout will work, as well as resources that focus on vaccine confidence that discuss how vaccines work, how vaccines are an effective defense and how the vaccines have been trialed.

NHS COVID-19 posters from Public Health England

As well as videos for social media from the perspective of people with different health conditions advertising who is eligible and can book a vaccine.

To access these resources please go to the Public Health England website.