NICE CG104 Metastatic malignant disease of unknown primary origin in adults: diagnosis and management

25 May, 2023

New update withdraws recommendations on gene-expression-based profiling

NICE clinical guideline CG104 on metastatic disease covers the diagnosis and management of secondary cancer in adults when the site of the primary cancer is unknown, including people who have had treatment before. It aims to improve quality of life through advice on tests to help identify the site of the primary cancer as well as options for managing the person’s condition.

The guideline makes five recommendations on:

  • Organisation of services and support
  • Diagnosis
  • Factors influencing management decisions
  • Managing specific presentations
  • Systemic treatment

In April 2023 the recommendations on gene-expression-based profiling were withdrawn and a link was added to the NHS Genomic Medicine Service’s national genomic test directory.

The full guideline can be viewed on the NICE website.