NICE QS207 Tobacco: treating dependence

24 April, 2023

This new NICE quality standard was published in December 2022. It covers supporting people to stop smoking and using smokeless tobacco, including treatment to help with this. It also covers harm-reduction approaches for people who are not ready to stop in one go.

Five quality statements are made:

  • Statement 1: People are asked if they use tobacco at key points of contact with a health or social care professional.
  • Statement 2: People who use tobacco receive advice on quitting.
  • Statement 3: People who want to stop using tobacco are offered tobacco cessation support and treatment by a healthcare professional.
  • Statement 4: People who do not want, or are not ready, to stop using tobacco in one go receive support to adopt a harm-reduction approach.
  • Statement 5: People who smoke receive treatment to stop smoking on admission to hospital.

For more information, please visit the NICE website.