Understanding unlicensed medicines – report by the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group

27 June, 2023

The new report contains useful guidance for prescribing unlicensed medicines in secondary care, as well as information for patients and carers

The All Wales Medicines Strategy Group has published its new ‘Understanding Unlicensed Medicines’ report, which is designed to provide guidance for improving the management of unlicensed medicines, encompassing prescribing and dispensing settings in both primary and secondary care and for patients and carers. It may also be useful for care homes, community services and prisons.

The report contains a simple summary infographic about understanding unlicensed medicines and the patient journey through primary and secondary care and contains useful guidance for prescribing unlicensed medicines in secondary care, including:

  • Clinical decision making for prescribing an unlicensed medicine
  • Communication with patients
  • Order, supply and administration of medicine
  • Transfer between care settings and monitoring arrangements

It also contains a section with information for patients and carers to help them understand what unlicensed medicines are and why they have been prescribed them, including a summary leaflet.

Access the full report from All Wales Medicines Strategy Group here.

If you have any additional questions about unlicensed medication, your visiting pharmacist can provide you with clinical advice and guidance on this subject.

If you are not current currently an Ashtons client and require help from a specialist pharmacist, please contact us for assistance.